Red Sun Karate News 2021
Kyu Grading
Dan Grading
Owen Hamilton
Harry Fahey
Connor Fahey
New Brown Belts
Congratulations to our new Brown Belts:-
3rd Kyu’s
Ellis Fahey
Natasha Wortthington
2nd Kyu’s
Aimee Lakin
Sheena Porter
Alex Turner
Kyu Grading
Congratulations to our new 10th Kyu’s:-
Jonathan Rodman
Lilah Robinson
Jenson Robinson
Elijah Latham
Dolly Bamber
Blake Sullivan
Octavia-Rose Munt
Congratulations to the following students:-
9th Kyu’s
Abi Hill
Marcus Unwin
Noor Khunda
Bailey Munt
Elliot Turner
Oliver Tickle
8th Kyu’s
Archie Buckle
Aiman Khunda
Victoria Turner
Amy Wyche
Rachel Wyche
7th Kyu’s
Matthew Hartley
Meghan Hartley
Wendy Hartley
6th Kyu
Kyle Morrell
Liam Morrell
Mark Hartley
Eowyn Gore
Dylan Hunt
Thomas Hornby
5th Kyu
Lyndsey Clayton
4th Kyu
Kyle Gore
Presentation Night
What a fantastic night at the Red Sun Shotokan Karate Presentation Evening.
Sensei Peter Lee Bibby - For the 25th Year anniversary of taking over Red Sun Shotokan Karate, Sesnei was awarded a Nufadakake
Long Service Award:
Sensei Gemma Holland - 15 Years
Junior Instructor Awards:
Sensei Rebecca Worthington, 2nd Dan
Sensei Harry Hodgkinson, 2nd Dan
Senior Instructor Awards:
Sensei Lisa Foley, 3rd Dan
Sensei Natalie Hamilton, 3rd Dan
Sensei Gemma Holland, 3rd Dan
Dan Grade Presentation:
Sensei Harry Hodgkinson, 2nd Dan
Best Newcomer:
Vicky Turner
Most Improved:
Sheena Porter
Handyside Award:
Eowyn Gore
Best Attendance:
Natasha Worthington
EKF Kumite Judge Exam
The EKF AGM was held Sunday 28th November, with 47 Associations represented, along with a number of none voting 'club members'.
The meeting was opened by the EKF President, Steve Coupland who went over the points in the President report. Members were encouraged to raise questions, and make points as the President went through each section of the report. The Board were intent to ensure all voices were heard, and all questions answered.
There then followed an inspection of the accounts, again allowing members to scrutinise and raise points as they wished.
Following this, were the formalities of the Board elections. Each member association was called, as is the norm, to enter their ballot paper. The counting of votes was conducted openly for everyone to observe with the following candidates elected
Vice President : Mr Mike DAVIES
Board Directors:
Mr Andrew SLADE
Mr Peter BIBBY
Ms Isla HALL
Before closing the AGM, the President focused members thoughts on those Karate Sensei that had sadly passed away since our last meeting.
The names of the notable Sensei's were read out, followed by a minute's applause to recognised the achievements and contribution of those we have lost..... Michael Randall Sensei, Steve Arneil Sensei, Harada Sensei, Peter Spanton Sensei, Terry Robbins Sensei, Harold Stephenson Sensei, Bob Poynton Sensei, Eddie Daniels Sensei.
In closing the Board of the EKF would like to express sincere thanks to outgoing Vice President Mr Paul Campbell, and Director Ms Patience Kakitie. We thank both for their work and contribution to the growth and development of the EKF, and wish them all the very best for the future.
Cumbrian Open
COVID Update
As Covid restrictions have now eased and limits on class sizes have been removed, our Association Yanagi Kai have made the decision to remove the requirement to Pre-Book sessions.
So, commencing on Monday 23rd August, students can just turn up to sessions without the need to pre-book. However, sessions still need to be Pre-paid by Bank Transfer before the session if you're on Pay-As-You-Train.
Also, Higher Grade Students are welcome to attend the 6:30pm sessions on Monday's & Thursday's for extra training. However, please be aware that the content during these sessions will be basic and these sessions do not count towards your grading target. Only Higher Grade/Senior Grade Sessions count towards your Grading.
Here is a list of the full sessions available and who they are available to:-
Monday's & Thursday's 6:30pm-7:30pm - All Grades Welcome
Monday's & Thursday's 7:30pm-8:30pm - 4th Kyu & Above Only
Wednesday's 8pm-9pm - Senior Grades Only
Kyu Grading
Congratulations to everyone who graded:-
Elliott Turner - 10th Kyu
Oliver Tickle - 10th Kyu
Bailey Munt - 10th Kyu
Amy Wyche - 9th Kyu
Rachel Wyche - 9th Kyu
Victoria Turner - 9th Kyu
William White - 8th Kyu
Lennon Roddy-Firth - 8th Kyu
Mark Hartley - 7th Kyu
Eowyn Gore - 7th Kyu
Liam Morrell - 7th Kyu
Kyle Morrell - 7th Kyu
Kyle Gore - 5th Kyu
Dan Grading
Well I have to say what a fantastic day for Red Sun Shotokan Karate with two successful gradings. After a very tough 12-15 months it finally looks like the club is getting back on its feet. This is purely down to the resilience of the members and the dedication of the instructors that have helped me through the pandemic.
Congratulations to Melanie Lamb who has today become our newest Dan Grade after passing Shodan.
Also to the following students who successfully graded this afternoon in a hot and sweaty Dojo:-
Matt Hornby - 4th Kyu
Rachel Hornby - 4th Kyu
Natasha Worthington - 4th Kyu
Thomas Hornby - 7th Kyu
Auryn Haynes - 8th Kyu
Well done to the four guys who took pre-gradings today. A good run out and some valuable feedback for the future big day.