Handyside Points 2024

Points awarded after each session to students who show the most consistent effort.

This year we will once again be running the Phil Handyside Award for the student who makes the most consistent effort throughout the year. For those of you who have just joined or recently joined, Kancho Phil Handyside 9th Dan was our founder and former Chief Instructor who sadly passed away in February 2019. After his passing, we decided to rename our student of the year award in his honour and students accumulate points each week for effort and performances during training sessions. The student with the most points at the end of the year receives the prestigious award.

The Handyside table will not be updated during November and December, to keep the Handyside award presentation a surprise.  Good luck to all students!

For past winners, see the News pages.

Elijah L3
Es'zmae P4
Carter B1
Cameron L6
Harry F2
Meghan H1
Michael S3
Harry C1
Abi H3
Aiman K2
Oliver T1
Sam J3
Alfie A2
Eve S1
Bailey M2
Owen H1
Abinash P3
Bobbi S2
Katherine N1
Amy W2
Kai M3
Mattew Ha1

Updated 28/03/24

2023 Handside Table

Owen M4
Harrison A5
Bobbi S4
Katie J22
Leia S4
Elijah L12
Lisa F3
Rebecca W6
Melanie L6
Kathryn N21
Abinash P7
Jack H1
Octavia M9
Alex H2
Bailey M5
Aimnan K16
Ellis F6
Wendy H8
Lucas J11
Bonnie L8
Cora H1
Noor K5
Cameron L19
Harry F10
Lyndsey C16
Victoria T4
Elliot P3
Elif C5
Alan R12
George J5
Gemma H1
Paul S10
Elliot T1
Mark N7
Paul C6
Thomas H1
Hareesk P12
Harry H3
Wiktoria A1
Oliver T10
Mattew Ho3
Meghan H7
Lilly-May B4
Mick B3
Matthew Ha3
Mark H1
Luke H2
Amy W7
Owen H1
Jonathan R1
Natasha W3
Kai M11
Abi H13
Jack W7
Phoebe C2
Harry C7
Sam J4
Sarah H4
Lawrence S4
Heidi B5
Eve S1
Rachel H3
Sam C2


Red Sun Shotokan Karate® teaching martial arts since 1986 and has one of the most innovative programmes in the nation.